IBEBlock documentation: Event Blocks

The Event Blocks feature allows you to process certain events within IBExpert.

The following events are currently available for processing:

Event Blocks are stored in the IBExpert User Database and are available as ordinary IBEBlocks on the Blocks page in the DB Explorer.

There are two ways to create an Event Block:

There is a template/example of an Event Block available on the Event page in the Block editor. It lists the actual block input parameters and can also contain some code which illustrates possible actions you wish to perform when processing events.

Event blocks start to work straight after you save them - take this into account.

The Debug when fires option allows you to start the Block Debugger when the associated event fires. This option takes effect immediately after you turn it on but is only effective during the current session of IBExpert.

If you need to process specific events within IBExpert let us know (mail register@ibexpert.biz) about what you want to process and what results you expect.