Firebird 2 Cheat Sheet

Author: Lorenzo Alberton,

Firebird SQL Cheat Sheet - details

The cheat sheet is organized in 5 sections. The first section contains a list of the available datatypes, their description and the range of values that each of them supports.

The second section contains a list of the internal functions. The ones listed here are the Firebird 2 built-in functions; they're grouped by field of interest (aggregate, conditional, string functions).

The third section contains a list of the Default UDF functions. Firebird bundles a UDF library with some useful functions not included in the core. These functions are listed here, grouped by field of interest (mathematical and string functions).

The fourth section contains some useful queries, like the most useful queries to manage TRANSACTIONs, SAVEPOINTs, SEQUENCEs, a sample query with a LIMIT / OFFSET clause, and some queries against the System Tables to retrieve a list of the tables, fields, indices and constraints.

The last section holds a list of the PHP ibase_* functions. PHP has a Firebird/Interbase module and this is used by PHP developers to connect to, and query, a Firebird database. This section lists the functions available in PHP for connecting to and managing a Firebird database.

You can download the cheat sheet here or view at Lorenzo's website: