Please read the previous chapter, Known compatibility issues before you set out to install Firebird 2.0.

Choosing a server model

Classic, Superserver and Embedded are all the same Firebird engine. The differences are in the ways the server module uses machine and network resources. Briefly:

Database compatibility among models

There are no issues that make databases created by one server model incompatible with another server model. Your ultimate choice of which server model to deploy to user sites will be determined by comparing the performance of one with another in your test lab. You don't have to do anything to a database in order to make it work under a different server model.

Full servers

At install time, your choice is most likely to be whether to use Classic or Superserver. For development, there's nothing in it. For testing and deployment, the choice may be more important. Superserver's shared page cache, properly configured, can be beneficial for performance where many users are working concurrently. On the other hand, Superserver for Windows does not “play nice” with multiple CPUs on most rigs and has to be set for affinity with just one CPU.

Classic can be a good choice if the host server has multiple CPUs and plenty of RAM.

Note: There is more discussion about the Classic/Superserver decision in the Quick Start Guide. A more detailed paper on the subject can be found in the IBPhoenix documentation archives.


Treat the embedded server as a deployment option. It is intended to be used by one and only one system user exclusively, which makes it impossible to use in many integrated application development environments.