The FIREBIRD variable

FIREBIRD is an optional environment variable that provides a system-level pointer to the root directory of the Firebird installation. If it exists, it is available everywhere in the scope for which the variable was defined.

The FIREBIRD variable is NOT removed by scripted uninstalls and it is not updated by the installer scripts. If you leave it defined to point to the root directory of a v.1.5.x installation, there will be situations where the Firebird engine, command-line tools, cron scripts, batch files, installers, etc., will not work as expected.

If the Windows installer program finds a value for %FIREBIRD%, it will make that path the default location that it offers, instead of C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_1.

Unless you are very clear about the effects of having a wrong value in this variable, you should remove or update it before you begin installing Firebird 2.1. After doing so, you should also check that the old value is no longer visible in the workspace where you are installing Firebird – use the SET FIREBIRD command in a Windows shell or printenv FIREBIRD in a POSIX shell.