Indexing and optimization

Firebird 2.0: Indexing and optimization

SF #459059D Index breaks = ANY result. MORE INFO REQUIRED.

fixed by N. Samofatov

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Not registered Ambiguous queries were still possible under some conditions.

fixed by A. Brinkman

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SF #735720 SELECT … STARTING WITH :v was wrong when :v = ''.

fixed by A. Brinkman

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Not registered There were issues with negative dates, i.e. those below Julian date [zero], when stored in indices.

fixed by A. Brinkman

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SF #1211354 Redundant evaluations were occurring in COALESCE.

fixed by A. Brinkman

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Not registered Error index key too big would occur when creating a descending index.

fixed by V. Horsun

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SF #1242982 Bug in compound index key mangling.

fixed by A. Brinkman

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