Firebird 2 project teams

Table 16.1. Firebird development teams

Developer Country Major Tasks
Dmitry Yemanov Russian Federation Full-time database engineer/implementor, core team leader.
Alex Peshkov Russian Federation Security features coordinator; buildmaster; porting authority.
Claudio Valderrama Chile Code scrutineer; bug-finder and fixer; isql enhancements; UDF fixer, designer and implementor.
Vladislav Khorsun Ukraine DB engineer, SQL feature designer/implementor.
Arno Brinkman The Netherlands Indexing and Optimizer enhancements; new DSQL features.
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes Brazil New international character-set handling; text and text BLOB enhancements; new DSQL features; code scrutineering.
Nickolay Samofatov Russian Federation/Canada Designed and implemented new inline NBackup; code-fixer and DB engineer during part of v.2.0 development.
Paul Beach France Release Manager; HP-UX builds; MacOS builds; Solaris builds.
Pavel Cisar Czech Republic QA tools designer/coordinator.
Philippe Makowski France QA tester.
Paul Reeves France Win32 installers and builds.
Sean Leyne Canada Bugtracker organizer.
Dimitrios Ioannides Greece New Jira bugtracker implementor.
Ann Harrison U.S.A. Frequent technical advisor.
Jim Starkey U.S.A. Frequent architectural advisor; occasional bug-fixer.
Roman Rokytskyy Germany Jaybird implementor and co-coordinator.
Ryan Baldwin U.K. Jaybird Type 2 driver developer.
Evgeny Putilin Russian Federation Java stored procedures implementation.
Carlos Guzman Alvarez Spain Developer and coordinator of .NET providers for Firebird until 2007.
Jiri Cincura Czech Republic Developer and coordinator of .NET providers from January 2008.
Alexander Potapchenko Russian Federation Coordinator of ODBC/JDBC driver for Firebird.
David Rushby (d.) U.S.A. Developer and coordinator of KInterbase Python interface for Firebird until his accidental death in July, 2007.
Konstantin Kuznetsov Russian Federation Solaris Intel builds.
Paul Vinkenoog The Netherlands Coordinator, Firebird documentation project; documentation writer and tools developer/implementor.
Norman Dunbar U.K. Documentation writer.
Pavel Menshchikov Russian Federation Documentation translator.
Tomneko Hayashi Japan Documentation translator.
Umberto (Mimmo) Masotti Italy Documentation translator.
Olivier Mascia Belgium IBPP C++ interface developer; re-implementor of Win32 installation services.
Oleg Loa Russian Federation Contributor.
Grzegorz Prokopski Hungary Debian builds.
Erik Kunze Germany SINIX-Z port; raw device enablement.
Helen Borrie Australia Release notes editor; Chief of Thought Police.