General notes

Firebird 2.5.3 sub-release

Warning re databases created or restored under Firebird 2.5.1: All users upgrading from Firebird 2.5.1 to a higher sub-release are strongly advised to migrate databases using gbak backup/restore. If this is impracticable, at least rebuild all compound indices in the databases being migrated. Databases being upgraded from older Firebird versions (ODS 11.1 and lower) or v.2.5.0 are not affected by this regression.

This sub-release of Firebird 2.5 adds no new features but includes a large collection of bug fixes that have accumulated since v.2.5.2. A few minor improvements appear in this sub-release, viz.

The added variables: SYSTEM::CLIENT_PID and SYSTEM::CLIENT_PROCESS for the current connection, SYSTEM::LOCK_TIMEOUT and SYSTEM::READ_ONLY for the current transaction.

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Firebird 2.5.2 security update 1

A remote stack buffer overflow was discovered in the Firebird Server during March, 2013, that allows an unauthenticated user to crash the server and opens a gate for remote code execution. The vulnerability was patched by Alex Peshkov. All Firebird binaries released with build numbers 26539 or lower and all snapshot builds before 2013.03.08 have this vulnerability.

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Firebird 2.5.2 sub-release

An important change was made to the implementation of the GEN_UUID() function to make it comply properly with the requirements of RFC-4122. For more information, refer to this topic.

A bug was corrected that caused faulty byte or character order in the results of the functions CHAR_TO_UUID and UUID_TO_CHAR on big-Endian platforms. This correction will impact code that called those functions on big-Endian hosts in Firebird 2.5 or 2.5.1.

As well as many more bug fixes accumulated over the months since v.2.5.1, this sub-release provides a few minor improvements, particularly of help to administrators. In summary:

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Firebird 2.5.1 sub-release

As well as a substantial number of bug fixes, this sub-release takes in a few minor improvements and optimizations that missed the initial release. In summary:

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Bug reporting

these guidelines as you attempt to analyse your bug:

  1. Write detailed bug reports, supplying the exact build number of your Firebird kit. Also provide details of the OS platform. Include reproducible test data in your report and post it to our Tracker.
  2. You are warmly encouraged to make yourself known as a field-tester of this pre-release by subscribing to the field-testers' list and posting the best possible bug description you can.
  3. If you want to start a discussion thread about a bug or an implementation, please do so by subscribing to the firebird-devel list. In that forum you might also see feedback about any tracker ticket you post regarding this alpha.

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You will find all of the README documents referred to in these notes—as well as many others not referred to —in the doc sub-directory of your Firebird 2.5 installation.

An automated Release Notes page in the Tracker provides lists and links for all of the Tracker tickets associated with this and other pre-release versions. Use this link.

–The Firebird Project