Appendix A: Document history

The exact file history is recorded in the manual module in our CVS tree; see The full URL of the CVS log for this file can be found at

Revision history

1.0 29 September 2009 ND Created as a chapter in the Command Line Utilities manual.
1.1 11 October 2009 ND Some screen output wrapped as it extended out of the page in the generated pdf.
1.2 20 October 2009 ND Replaced all references to “root or firebird” account names with “privileged users” as there are more than just these two accounts. Converted to a stand alone manual.
1.3 21 October 2009 ND A few spelling mistakes corrected.
1.4 26 October 2009 ND The status option to the rcfirebird command is not available on all Linux distros. Text amended to warn the reader of this discrepency.
1.5 11 October 20011 ND Spelling corrections.
1.6 13 October 2011 ND Updated to mention that fbmgr is deprecated from Firebird 2.5 onwards, and removed altogether from Firebird 3.0. Added a chapter on using fbguard.