Appendix B: Document history

The exact file history is recorded in the manual module in our CVS tree; see

Revision History

0.9 24 Sep 2008 PV First publication, based on the Firebird 1.5 Language Reference Update with all the changes for 2.0 added (roughly doubling the size).
1.0 9 Dec 2010 PV GLOBAL: Renamed all “Deprecated in” section headers to “Better alternative”. This also required editing the text immediately following the header and in some cases additional text in the section (if the “deprecation” was discussed in the section body). Bookinfo: Added 2.0.6 to covered versions. Introduction :: Versions covered: Added 2.0.6. Introduction :: Authorship: Edited first paragraph. Added Frank Ingermann to contributor list. Miscellaneous language elements: Added section Shorthand casts. Data types and subtypes :: BLOB data type: In Description, BLOBs → text BLOBs. Also added information on new binary mnemonic + extra example. Data types and subtypes :: New collations: Edited paragraph above table. Improved the two paragraphs below the table and moved them into a Note. DDL statements :: ALTER DATABASE: Merged difference file clauses onto one line in Syntax. DDL statements :: ALTER DOMAIN: Added section Rename domain. DDL statements :: ALTER TABLE: Added section FOREIGN KEY without target column references PK. DDL statements :: ALTER TRIGGER: Corrected formal syntax (can be called with just the trigger name and no modifications). DDL statements :: CREATE DATABASE: Moved Syntax one level up, marked it as partial and added DIFFERENCE FILE clause. Added new subsection DIFFERENCE FILE parameter. DDL statements: Added section CREATE EXCEPTION. DDL statements :: CREATE INDEX: Edited Description and Syntax. DDL statements :: CREATE INDEX :: Indexing on expressions: Edited Description. DDL statements :: CREATE INDEX :: Maximum number of indices per table increased: Edited paragraph under table. DDL statements :: CREATE TABLE: Added section FOREIGN KEY without target column references PK. DDL statements :: CREATE VIEW :: Full SELECT syntax supported: Added Note about the necessity of a full column list when using a union within a view (to become optional in 2.5). DDL statements :: CREATE VIEW :: PLAN subclause disallowed in 1.5: Changed title to PLAN subclause disallowed in 1.5, reallowed in 2.0. DDL statements :: CREATE VIEW: Added subsection View with nonparticipating NOT NULL columns in base table can be made insertable. DDL statements :: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION: Added Note under Syntax. DDL statements :: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION :: BY DESCRIPTOR parameter passing: Added “Available in”. DDL statements :: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION :: RETURNS PARAMETER n: Added “Available in”. Changed subclause → clause in Description (2x). DDL statements :: DECLARE FILTER: Edited Description. Added user_defined to Syntax. Added more info under Syntax block and made it an itemizedlist. Converted Tip to formalpara User-defined mnemonics. DML statements :: DELETE: Added [AS] to Syntax. Corrected syntax note on WHERE CURRENT OF. DML statements :: DELETE: Added subsection COLLATE subclause for text BLOB columns. DML statements :: DELETE: Added subsection Relation alias makes real name unavailable. DML statements :: EXECUTE BLOCK: Edited Syntax block. DML statements :: INSERT: Added definition of <select_expr> to Syntax. DML statements :: INSERT :: RETURNING clause: Edited Description. Added formalpara “Note”. DML statements :: SELECT :: Aggregate functions: Extended functionality :: Aggregate statements: Stricter HAVING and ORDER BY: Edited second list item. Edited last paragraph. DML statements :: SELECT :: FIRST and SKIP: Added “Available in”. DML statements :: SELECT :: Table alias must be used if present: Renamed to Relation alias makes real name unavailable. Also changed Description and paragraph before last example. DML statements :: UPDATE: Added [AS] to Syntax. Corrected syntax note on WHERE CURRENT OF. DML statements :: UPDATE: Added subsection COLLATE subclause for text BLOB columns. DML statements :: UPDATE: Added subsection Relation alias makes real name unavailable. Transaction control statements :: SET TRANSACTION: Edited 2nd listitem after Syntax block. PSQL statements :: DECLARE :: DECLARE … CURSOR: Edited Description. Added Notes formalpara. PSQL statements :: DECLARE [VARIABLE] with initialization: Indented var declarations in Example. PSQL statements :: EXCEPTION :: Providing a custom error message: Added note about max message length. PSQL statements :: EXECUTE STATEMENT :: Caveats with EXECUTE STATEMENT: Changed SQL → DSQL in item 4. Rewrote item 6. PSQL statements: Added section FOR SELECT … INTO … DO. PSQL statements: Added section WHERE CURRENT OF invalid for view cursors. Context variables :: CURRENT_CONNECTION: Improved Description. Added note about upcoming change in 2.1 to last paragraph. Context variables :: CURRENT_TIME: Edited description. Removed Note and added Notes formalpara. Context variables :: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: Edited description. Removed Note and added Notes formalpara. Context variables :: CURRENT_TRANSACTION: Improved Description. Context variables :: 'NOW': Added shorthand cast examples. Removed Note and added Notes formalpara. Operators and predicates :: – (string concatenator): New subsection Result type VARCHAR. Operators and predicates :: – (string concatenator) :: Overflow checking: Corrected “Changed in” and Description. Internal functions :: BIT_LENGTH(): Edited Note after Syntax block and placed it after Description. Internal functions :: CAST(): Added introductory paragraphs before 1st and 2nd example. Gave table rows top alignment. Added paragraph after cast (? as integer) example. Internal functions :: CHAR_LENGTH(), CHARACTER_LENGTH(): Edited Note after Syntax block and placed it after Description. Internal functions :: LOWER(): Corrected Result type: VAR(CHAR) → (VAR)CHAR. Internal functions :: OCTET_LENGTH(): Edited Note after Description. Internal functions :: RDB$GET_CONTEXT(): Added Note after title. Replaced “general” with “global” (4x) in System namespace table. Internal functions :: RDB$SET_CONTEXT(): Added Note after title. Altered 3rd listitem in Notes formalpara. Internal functions :: SUBSTRING(): Edited Result type, Syntax and much of the text in the rest of this section. Internal functions :: TRIM(): Edited/corrected Description, Result type and Syntax. Internal functions :: UPPER(): Corrected Result type: VAR(CHAR) → (VAR)CHAR. Corrected “See also” link: UPPER → LOWER. External functions :: getExactTimestamp: Edited “Better alternative” and Description. External functions :: log: Changed loglog(x,y) in Description. External functions :: right: moved to sright and left a symlink in place. External functions :: round, i64round: Added 2.0.6 to Changed in. Added Caution box. Edited and extended Bug warning box. Extended last paragraph. External functions: Added section strlen. External functions :: truncate, i64truncate: Added 2.0.6 to Changed in. Added Caution box. Edited Warning box. Extended last paragraph. Notes :: Understanding the WITH LOCK clause :: Syntax and behaviour: The table, aligned 1st column left, all rows top, and added periods to sentences in first two rows. License notice: Added Frank Ingermann as contributor. Copyright end year now 2010.