New in Firebird 2.5

For users upgrading from Firebird 2.1, this chapter lists the SQL additions and changes in Firebird 2.5 and 2.5.1, with links to the corresponding sections. If you come from an earlier version or are new to Firebird, you may want to skip this chapter.

Reserved words and keywords


Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Data types and subtypes

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Data Definition Language (DDL)

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

PSQL statements

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Security and access control

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Context variables

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Operators and predicates

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Aggregate functions

Changed since Firebird 2.1:

Internal functions

Changed since Firebird 2.1: