gsplit command parameters

Both main gsplit command line options require parameters. When splitting a backup, the parameters are:

The first parameter is the first filename, followed by the maximum size it is allowed to be. You may specify the size in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. There should not be any spaces between the digit(s) and the size specifier letter. There must be a space between the filename and the size however.

The remainder of the parameters specify the second and subsequent filenames and sizes, however, the final file need not have a size specified as it will be used to take up the remaining bytes after the other files have been filled to capacity. If there is a size specified, it is simply ignored but no error or warning messages are displayed.

If you have a backup file which will be 4 Gb in size and you only ask for two files, each 1 Gb in size, gsplit will ignore the size of the final file and just keep filling it up until the backup is complete.

The utility prevents files of less than 1 Mb and will produce an error if you attempt to specify a file smaller than this.

Note: gsplit correctly specifies a Kilobyte as 1024 bytes, a Megabyte as 1024 Kilobytes and a Gigabyte as 1024 Megabytes.

To join files together and use them to restore a database, you simply specify the filenames in the correct order. If they are not in the correct order, gsplit will complain and the restore will be abandoned.