Joining backup files

Had the above backup actually worked, the command to restore a backup from a number of files created by gsplit would be as follows:

C:\>gsplit -join norman_1.fbk norman_2.fbk norman_3.fbk |
    gbak -c stdin create_norman.fdb

Warning: The above command line has been split over two lines to allow the pdf generation of this manual to work. In reality, the command must be typed on a single line.

If you have a number of split backup files created using gbak itself and not filtered through gsplit, you cannot use gsplit to stitch them together for a restore as the following example shows:

C:\>gsplit -join norman_1.fbk norman_2.fbk norman_3.fbk |
    gbak -c stdin create_norman.fdb
gsplit: expected GSPLIT description record
gsplit: Exiting before completion due to errors
gsplit: progam fails to join multi-volumn back-up files
gbak: ERROR: expected backup description record
gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors

Warning: The above command line has been split over two lines to allow the pdf generation of this manual to work. In reality, the command must be typed on a single line.

It appears that gsplit and gbak have different header information in the backup files and the two are not compatible.

Note: The spelling errors in 'program' and 'volume' above are as produced by the utility.

Even with the version of gsplit supplied with Firebird 2, joining it's own partial files doesn't work:

C:\>gsplit -join norman_1.fbk norman_2.fbk norman_3.fbk |
gbak -c stdin create_norman.fdb

gbak:do not recognize domain attribute 13 -- continuing
gbak: ERROR:do not recognize record type 11
gbak:Exiting before completion due to errors

gsplit: expected GSPLIT description record
gsplit: Exiting before completion due to errors
gsplit: progam fails to join multi-volumn back-up files