Command-line options

Running gfix without a command (or an invalid command), or with the new -? switch in Firebird 2.5, results in the following screen of helpful information being displayed:

usage: gfix [options] <database>
plausible options are:	
       -activate       activate shadow file for database usage
       -attach         shutdown new database attachments
       -buffers        set page buffers <n>
       -commit         commit transaction <tr / all>
       -cache          shutdown cache manager
       -full v         alidate record fragments (-v)
       -force          force database shutdown
       -fetch_password fetch_password from file
       -housekeeping   set sweep interval <n>
       -ignore         ignore checksum errors
       -kill           kill all unavailable shadow files
       -list           show limbo transactions
       -mend           prepare corrupt database for backup
       -mode           read_only or read_write
       -no_update      read-only validation (-v)
       -online         database online <single / multi / normal>
       -prompt         prompt for commit/rollback (-l)
       -password       default password
       -rollback       rollback transaction <tr / all>
       -sql_dialect    set database dialect n
       -sweep          force garbage collection
       -shut           shutdown <full / single / multi>
       -two_phase      perform automated two-phase recovery
       -tran           shutdown transaction startup
       -use            use full or reserve space for versions
       -user           default user name
       -validate       validate database structure
       -write          write synchronously or asynchronously
       -z              print software version number

qualifiers show the major option in parenthesis