A: Document history

The exact file history is recorded in the manual module in our CVS tree; see https://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=9028. The full URL of the CVS log for this file can be found at https://firebird.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/firebird/manual/src/docs/firebirddocs/fbutil_gstat.xml?view=log.

Revision history

1.0 29 October 2009 ND Created a new gstat manual.
1.1 30 November 2009 ND Many corrections suggested by Paul Vinkenhoog plus a general tidy up and a few more examples added.
1.2 14 December 2009 ND A couple more minor corrections and spelling mistakes corrected.
1.3 17 February 2010 ND Formatting errors in the command-line switches corrected.
1.4 23 March 2011 ND Added ODS 9.1 for Interbase 5.0 to the list of known ODS values.
Added reference to Managing Limbo Transactions in the gfix manaual.
Corrected explanation of when an automatic database sweep is carried out, based on OIT and OST as opposed to OIT and OAT. As advised by Vlad Khorsun.
1.5 11 October 2011 ND Updated for Firebird 2.5.
Spelling errors corrected.