nbackup features - an overview

With nbackup, you can perform two different kinds of tasks:

1. Making and restoring of both full and incremental backups. An incremental backup only contains the mutations since some specific previous backup.

2. Locking the main database file so you can subsequently back it up yourself with copying or backup tools of your own choice. In this mode, nbackup doesn't back up anything; it just creates the conditions under which you can safely make the backup yourself. There's a provision for restoring here, too.

Both modes can operate on an active database, without hindering connected users. The backup created will always reflect the state of the database at the beginning of the operation. Furthermore, only SYSDBA and the database owner (and sometimes OS admins) can make a backup, but every user can restore a backup to a new database. In these respects nbackup doesn't differ from gbak.

Advantages of nbackup

Limitations of nbackup