gsec commands

After the assorted options, comes the command that you wish to run. The following commands are available in both batch and interactive modes, but for interactive mode the leading minus sign is not required.

This command adds a new user to the database. You may optionally add other details such as first, middle and last names plus a password for the new user, all in the same add command. Alternatively, you may add a user then modify it to fill in the missing details.

This command removes the named user from the database. All details of the user are removed and cannot be undone unless you add the user back again.

This command displays the details of a single named user, or all users in the database. The password is never displayed.

The <name> option is how you wish the user to be known when connecting to Firebird databases. Some of the above commands take parameters and these are one, or more, of the following :

This parameter lets you supply a new password for the user. If you omit the password, the current one will be removed and the user will be unable to login to any Firebird databases at all. The password can be up to 8 characters long, but when supplying one to gsec, or logging into databases, the characters after the eighth are simply ignored.

-uid and -gid are used on some POSIX systems to enter the Unix userid and groupid as found in /etc/passwd and /etc/group configuration files. If not supplied, these default to zero.

This parameter allows you to store the user's first name in the database. This helps when identifying users from their login name - which may be abbreviated. You can delete a first name by not supplying a name.

This parameter allows you to store the user's middle name in the database. This helps when identifying users from their login name - which may be abbreviated. You can delete a middle name by not supplying a name.

This parameter allows you to store the user's last name in the database. This helps when identifying users from their login name - which may be abbreviated. You can delete a last name by not supplying a name.

This parameter allows you to specify whether or not the user will be granted the RDB$ADMIN role.

Note: Firebird 2.5 onwards.