

It is a powerful set of DDL, DML and other statements that are executed on the server and on the client side, and which include some specific constructions applicable only in IBExpert or IBEScript (excluding the free versions of these products), independent of the database server version. (This feature is unfortunately not included in the free IBExpert Personal Edition.)

With EXECUTE IBEBLOCK you will be able to:

… and much more.

The syntax of IBEBLOCK is similar to that of stored procedures but there are many important extensions.

For example:

… and much more.

You can execute single IBEBLOCKs in the SQL Editor. You can debug them in the SQL Editor too. They are debugged in the same way as stored procedures and triggers. Also, you can include IBEBLOCKs into your scripts and execute these scripts as usual - using the Script Executive or IBEScript.exe. IBEBlocks can be managed in the IBExpert DB Explorer (Script/Blocks page and Script node) and stored in the IBExpert User Database.

This documentation describes the following topics:

We strongly recommend using the IBExpert User Database as the main storage for IBExpert for security reasons (all your IBEBlocks are then stored in a Firebird database).

As this important feature is constantly being expanded and improved, some areas are still incomplete or in work. Check regularly for the latest revisions by using the What's New function in the online documentation.

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