function from adhoc

Entrypoint substrn not compatible with UTF-8 - use U_SUBSTR


function from adhoc

Entrypoint u_substr compatible with UTF-8


   Input     CSTRING(8190)     String 1 (in which the position of parameter 2 is to be determined)
             CSTRING(1024)     String 2 (to be determined)
   Output    INTEGER           first position in string 1 where string 2 starts


function from adhoc

Entrypoint strsubn not compatible with UTF-8 - use U_SUBSTR


   Input     CSTRING(1024)     String 1 (to be determined)
             CSTRING(8190)     String 2 (in which the position of parameter 2 is to be determined)
   Output    INTEGER           first position in string 2 where string 1 starts


   The formerly functions (F_SUBSTR and F_STRSUB) return -1 if the string is not found. To get a correct <null> in FireBird 2.0 
   (and to save the old variant with -1) use the entrypoint "strsubnull" or "substrnull".
   TestSQL (Version FreeUDFLibC mit Entrypoint substrnull)
   SELECT NULL AS ISCORRECT, F_SUBSTR('Pauline fährt in Urlaub', 'chr') FROM RDB$DATABASE;