compatibility to FreeUDFLibC

Entrypoint encryptmd5or compatible with UTF-8


   Input      CSTRING(128)     String to encrypt
   Output     CSTRING(33)      String enrypted with MD5


   <color #ed1c24>Attention: the md5-hash from a string from an ISO-database IS NOT THE SAME as an md5-hash from the SAME string from an UTF-8 database! Only with md5-hashes from strings with the same character set (i.e. both from one database) are suitable for identity-checks.</color>
   This function never returns <null> because there is a correct encryption for <null>.
   SELECT 'e7d31845480111fdba3316129e166860' AS ISCORRECT, F_ENCRYPTMD5('Pauline') FROM RDB$DATABASE;
   SELECT 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' AS ISCORRECT, F_ENCRYPTMD5('') FROM RDB$DATABASE;

Preliminary Note

   Preliminary note to GTIN-Number from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTIN):
   Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is an identifier for trade items developed by GS1 (comprising the former EAN International and Uniform Code Council). Such identifiers are used to look up product information in a database (often by inputting the number through a bar code scanner pointed at an actual product) which may belong to a retailer, manufacturer, collector, researcher, or other entity. The uniqueness and universality of the identifier is useful in establishing which product in one database corresponds to which product in another database, especially across organizational boundaries.
   GTIN is an "umbrella" term used to describe the entire family of GS1 data structures for trade items (products and services) identification. GTINs may be 8, 12, 13 or 14 digits long, and can be constructed using any of four numbering structures, depending upon the exact application. GTIN-8s will be encoded in an EAN-8 bar code. GTIN-12s may be shown in UPC-A, ITF-14, or GS1-128 bar codes. GTIN-13s may be encoded in EAN-13, ITF-14 or GS1-128 bar codes, and GTIN-14s may be encoded in ITF-14 or GS1-128 bar codes. The choice of bar code will depend on the application; for example, items to be sold at a retail should be marked with EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A or UPC-E bar codes.
   - EAN = International Article Number (former European Article Number)
   - UCC = Uniform Code Council now GS1
   - UPC = Universal Product Code
   - EPC = electronic Product Code
   - NVE = Number of transport unit
   - GRAI = Global Returnable Asset Identifier
Identifier former Identifier
GTIN-14 -
GTIN-13 EAN·UCC-13, EAN-13

A Check Digit Calculator for GTIN-Numbers http://www.gs1.org/productssolutions/barcodes/support/check_digit_calculator.html