
Creates a Recreate script for a specified view(s) and returns it as a result.


  function ibec_GetViewRecreateScript(Connection : variant; ViewName : string; 
  Options : string; ProgressBlock : variant) : string;
Connection An active connection created with the ibec_CreateConnection function.
ViewName List of names of view(s), delimited with semicolon or comma, for which a Recreate script will be created.
Options List of options delimited with semicolon; possible options are:
GenerateCreate Determines whether a CREATE DATABASE statement should be included at the beginning of the generated script.
GenerateConnect Determines whether a CONNECT statement should be included at the beginning of the generated script.
IncludePassword Determines whether the password should be included into the CREATE DATABASE or the CONNECT statement in the resulting SQL script.
SupressComments Use to supress comments in the resulting script.
ExtractDescriptions Determines whether database objects' descriptions should be included in the generated script. By default this option is enabled.
DescriptionsAsUpdate Determines whether the raw UPDATE statement should be used for object descriptions instead of the IBExpert specific DESCRIBE statement.
UseComment Generates the COMMENT ON statement for object descriptions (Firebird 2.x).
DontUseSetTerm Don't use SET TERM statements, all statements will be separated by semicolon only.
UseCreateOrAlter Generates CREATE OR ALTER instead of CREATE/ALTER where possible.
ProgressBlock An IBEBlock which will be executed for every progress message generated during script execution. May be NULL or empty.


ibec_GetViewRecreateScript creates a Recreate script for a specified view(s) and returns it as a result.

Use the IBExpert DB Explorer context-sensitive menu item, Apply Block to selected objects … to recreate selected views based on IBEBlock and the ibec_GetViewRecreateScript function.


  execute ibeblock
    cbb = 'execute ibeblock (MsgData variant)
    RecreateScript = ibec_GetViewRecreateScript(mydb, 'VIEW_A; VIEW_B; VIEW_C',
        'GenerateConnect; IncludePassword; UseCreateOrAlter', cbb);
    Res = ibec_ExecSQLScript(null, RecreateScript, 'ServerVersion=FB21', cbb);