
Prepares a report from a specified source (FastReport) and returns prepared report data.


 function ibec_CreateReport(ReportSource : string; Params : array of variant; 
                          Options : string) : variant;


ibec_CreateReport prepares a report from a specified source (FastReport) and returns prepared report data. For preparing the intial report please refer to the IBExpert Report Manager.

This feature can be used for executing reports created with the IBExpert Report Manager in command-line mode, for example with batch files. The monthly sales report, invoices or other such reports can be designed in the Report Manager and executed with simple SQL statements. The result can then be saved in the database as a pdf file or other formats and sent by email, exporting using ibec_ExportReport.


 execute ibeblock
   Params['HeaderMemo'] = '';
   Params['MEMO2'] = 2;

   select ibe$report_source from ibe$reports
   where ibe$report_id = 4
   into :RepSrc;

   Report = ibec_CreateReport(RepSrc, Params, null);
   ibec_SaveToFile('D:\reptest.fp3', Report, 0);