The following example illustrates the use of cursors to compare two tables in different databases.
execute ibeblock ( ProcessInserts boolean = TRUE, ProcessUpdates boolean = TRUE, ProcessDeletes boolean = TRUE) returns ( InsertedRecs integer = 0 comment 'Records inserted', UpdatedRecs integer = 0 comment 'Records updated', DeletedRecs integer = 0 comment 'Records deleted', TotalTime double precision = 0 comment 'Time spent (seconds)') as begin RecNum = 50000; -- How many records will be inserted into our test table
If the databases already exist we will not try to create them. Of course, this approach does not apply to remote databases.
if (not ibec_fileexists('d:\MasterDB.fdb')) then ibec_CreateDatabase(__ctFirebird, 'DBName="localhost:d:\MasterDB.fdb"; ClientLib="fbclient.dll"; User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; PageSize=16384; DefaultCharset=UTF8; SQLDialect=3');
CLIENTLIB isn't mandatory if you're using the standard gds32.dll.
if (not ibec_fileexists('d:\SubscriberDB.fdb')) then ibec_CreateDatabase(__ctFirebird, 'DBName="localhost:d:\SubscriberDB.fdb"; ClientLib="fbclient.dll"; User=SYSDBA; Password=masterkey; PageSize=16384; DefaultCharset=UTF8; SQLDialect=3');
Creating two named connections to our databases…
MasterDB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctFirebird,'DBName="localhost:d:\MasterDB.FDB"; ClientLib=fbclient.dll; user=SYSDBA; password=masterkey; names=UTF8; sqldialect=3'); SubscriberDB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctFirebird,'DBName="localhost:d:\SubscriberDB.FDB"; ClientLib=fbclient.dll; user=SYSDBA; password=masterkey; names=UTF8; sqldialect=3');
Now we shall create the IBE$$TEST_DATA table in each database and populate it with some data:
CreateStmt = 'create table IBE$$TEST_DATA ( ID integer not null, ID2 varchar(20) not null, F_INTEGER integer, F_VARCHAR varchar(100), F_DATE date, F_TIME time, F_TIMESTAMP timestamp, F_NUMERIC numeric(15,2), F_BOOL char(1) check (F_BOOL in ('T', 'F')), F_BLOB blob sub_type 1, F_SEASON varchar(15) check(F_SEASON in ('Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter')))';
IBE$$TEST_DATA will have a primary key consisting of two fields. This is just to demonstrate how to do this when a primary key consists of more than one field.
AlterStmt = 'alter table IBE$$TEST_DATA add constraint PK_IBE$$TEST_DATA primary key (ID, ID2)';
First we're working with the MasterDB:
If IBE$$TEST_DATA doesn't exist in the database we must create it:
if (not exists(select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = 'IBE$$TEST_DATA')) then begin
Creating the table itself…
execute statement :CreateStmt;
DDL statements must be committed explicitly:
…and create a primary key:
execute statement :AlterStmt; commit;
So, we've just created the table. Now we should populate it with data. We will generate some random data for each field, and use an autoincrement for the first primary key field value:
i = 0; while (i < RecNum) do begin fid2 = ibec_randomstring(1,20,65,90); fint = ibec_random2(1, 100000); fvarc = ibec_randomstring(1,100,65,90); fdate = ibec_random2(20000,40000); ftime = ibec_random(0); ftimest = ibec_random2(20000,40000) + ibec_random(0); fnum = ibec_random2(1,40000) + ibec_random(0); fbool = ibec_randomval('T','F'); fblob = ibec_randomstring(500, 1000, 65, 90); fseason = ibec_randomval('Spring'', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter'); insert into IBE$$TEST_DATA values (:i, :fid2, :fint, :fvarc, :fdate, :ftime, :ftimest, :fnum, :fbool, :fblob, :fseason); i = i + 1;
We will display a progress message after each 500 records inserted. In the SQL Editor it will be displayed on the progress panel above the code editor.
if (ibec_mod(i, 500) = 0) then begin ibec_progress(i || ' records inserted...');
Don't forget to commit!
commit; end end
Once more COMMIT. Maybe there are some uncommited INSERTs…
commit; end
Let's work with the second connection…
If IBE$$TEST_DATA doesn't exist in the database we must create it:
if (not exists(select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = ''IBE$$TEST_DATA'')) then begin execute statement :CreateStmt;
Don't forget to commit each DDL statement explicitly!
commit; execute statement :AlterStmt; commit;
The idea is that we fetch the data from the first database and insert it into IBE$$TEST_TABLE in the second database:
ibec_UseConnection(MasterDB); i = 0; k = 0;
FOR … SELECT will select data from the first database…
for select * from IBE$$TEST_DATA into vals do begin
…and we will insert them into the second database:
use SubscriberDB; k = k + 1; -- Just a counter...
Now we should modify some of the data. Otherwise we'll have nothing to compare
if (ibec_mod(k,100) <> 0) then
Each hundredth record will be skipped…
begin if (ibec_mod(i,10) = 0) then
the 8th field of each tenth record will be changed to NULL…
vals[7] = null; if (ibec_mod(i,30) = 0) then
…and the 10th field of each 30th record will be modified…
vals[9] = ibec_randomstring(500, 1000, 0, 255);
Finally insert a record:
insert into SubscriberDB.IBE$$TEST_DATA values :vals; i = i + 1;
After each 500 inserted records we will display a progress message. We will also commit after every 500 INSERTs:
if (ibec_mod(i, 500) = 0) then begin ibec_progress(i || ' records inserted...'); commit; end end end
Once again COMMIT…
ibec_UseConnection(SubscriberDB); commit;
Now we will insert more data into the second database to provide further discrepancies between the two tables…
i = k + 1; while (i < (RecNum + 1000 + 1)) do begin fid2 = ibec_randomstring(1,20,65,90); fint = ibec_random2(1, 100000); fvarc = ibec_randomstring(1,100,65,90); fdate = ibec_random2(20000,40000); ftime = ibec_random(0); ftimest = ibec_random2(20000,40000) + ibec_random(0); fnum = ibec_random2(1,40000) + ibec_random(0); fbool = ibec_randomval('T','F'); fblob = ibec_randomstring(500, 1000, 65, 90); fseason = ibec_randomval('Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter'); insert into IBE$$TEST_DATA values (:i, :fid2, :fint, :fvarc, :fdate, :ftime, :ftimest, :fnum, :fbool, :fblob, :fseason); if (ibec_mod(i, 500) = 0) then begin ibec_progress(i || ' records inserted...'); commit; end i = i + 1; end commit; end
So, let's begin to compare data. Our goal is make the second IBE$$TEST_DATA a full copy of the first IBE$$TEST_DATA.
First of all we should get the primary key of the reference table:
ibec_UseConnection(MasterDB); i = 0; for select i.rdb$field_name from rdb$relation_constraints rc, rdb$index_segments i, rdb$indices idx where (i.rdb$index_name = rc.rdb$index_name) and (idx.rdb$index_name = rc.rdb$index_name) and (rc.rdb$constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY') and (rc.rdb$relation_name = 'IBE$$TEST_DATA') order by i.rdb$field_position into fldname do begin PKFields[i] = ibec_trim(fldname); i = i + 1; end
Now we need to get a list of remaining fields:
SelStmt = 'select rdb$field_name from rdb$relation_fields where (rdb$relation_name = ''IBE$$TEST_DATA'')';
Here we add a condition to exclude primary key fields from the SELECT result:
i = 0; HighDim = ibec_high(PKFields); for i = 0 to HighDim do SelStmt = SelStmt || ' and (rdb$field_name <> ' || ibec_QuotedStr(PKFields[i], '''') || ')';
We need the natural order of the fields…
SelStmt = SelStmt || ' order by rdb$field_position';
Finally execute the SELECT statement just created and get an array of all non-PK fields:
i = 0; for execute statement :SelStmt into :s do begin
Trim spaces, we don't need them…
NonPKFields[i] = ibec_trim(:s); i = i + 1; end
Let's compose necessary statements:
SelStmt will be used to retrieve data UpdStmt will be used to update the second table if two records differ:
SelStmt = ''; UpdStmt = 'update ibe$$test_data set '; WhereClause = ' where '; HighDim = ibec_high(NonPKFields); for i = 0 to HighDim do begin SelStmt = SelStmt || NonPKFields[i]; SelStmt = SelStmt || ', '; UpdStmt = UpdStmt || ibec_chr(13) || NonPKFields[i] || ' = :' || NonPKFields[i]; if (i < HighDim) then UpdStmt = UpdStmt || ', '; end
Here we compose a WHERE clause with primary key fields: WHERE (PK_FIELD1 = :PK_FIELD1) AND (PK_FIELD2 = :PK_FIELD2) AND …
HighDim = ibec_high(PKFields); for i = 0 to HighDim do begin SelStmt = SelStmt || ibec_trim(PKFields[i]); WhereClause = WhereClause || '(' || ibec_trim(PKFields[i]) || ' = :' || ibec_trim(PKFields[i]) || ')'; if (i < HighDim) then begin SelStmt = SelStmt || ', '; WhereClause = WhereClause || ' and '; end end SelStmt = 'select ' || SelStmt || ' from IBE$$TEST_DATA order by '; for i = 0 to HighDim do begin SelStmt = SelStmt || ibec_trim(PKFields[i]); if (i < HighDim) then SelStmt = SelStmt || ', '; end PKFieldCount = ibec_high(PKFields)+1; PKFieldIndex = ibec_high(NonPKFields)+1; StartTime = ibec_gettickcount(); -- Note the time...
MasterCR = ibec_cr_OpenCursor(MasterDB, SelStmt); SubscriberCR = ibec_cr_OpenCursor(SubscriberDB, SelStmt);
Compose the INSERT statement:
InsFields = ''; InsValues = ''; FldCount = ibec_cr_FieldCount]](SubscriberCR); for i = 0 to (FldCount-1) do begin FldName = ibec_Trim(ibec_cr_FieldName(SubscriberCR, i)); InsFields = InsFields || FldName; InsValues = InsValues || '':' || FldName; if (i < (FldCount-1)) then begin InsFields = InsFields || ', '; InsValues = InsValues || ', '; end end InsStmt = 'insert into ibe$$test_data (' || InsFields || ') values (' || InsValues || ')'; ibec_UseConnection(SubscriberDB); while (not (ibec_cr_Eof]](MasterCR) and ibec_cr_Eof(SubscriberCR))) do begin CompResult = 0; if (ibec_cr_Eof(MasterCR)) then CompResult = 1; else if (ibec_cr_Eof(SubscriberCR)) then CompResult = -1; else begin ibec_cr_Fetch(MasterCR, MasterPK, PKFieldIndex, PKFieldCount); ibec_cr_Fetch(SubscriberCR, SubscriberPK, PKFieldIndex, PKFieldCount); CompResult = ibec_CmpRecords2(MasterPK, SubscriberPK); end if (ProcessUpdates and (CompResult = 0)) then begin ibec_cr_Fetch(MasterCR, MasterVals, 0, PKFieldIndex); ibec_cr_Fetch(SubscriberCR, SubscriberVals, 0, PKFieldIndex); CompResult = ibec_CmpRecords(MasterVals, SubscriberVals); if (CompResult <> -1) then begin UpdatedRecs = UpdatedRecs + 1; ibec_progress('Record must be updated...'); ibec_cr_Fetch(MasterCR, MasterVals, 0, null); execute statement :UpdStmt || WhereClause values :MasterVals; end ibec_cr_Next(MasterCR); ibec_cr_Next(SubscriberCR); end else if (ProcessInserts and (CompResult < 0)) then begin
Redundant master record found. Insert it into the subscriber:
InsertedRecs = InsertedRecs + 1; ibec_progress('Record must be inserted...'); ibec_cr_Fetch(MasterCR, MasterVals, 0, null); execute statement :InsStmt values :MasterVals; ibec_cr_Next(MasterCR); end else if (ProcessDeletes and (CompResult > 0)) then begin
Redundant subscriber record found. Delete it.
DeletedRecs = DeletedRecs + 1; ibec_progress('Record must be deleted...'); ibec_cr_Fetch(SubscriberCR, SubscriberPK, PKFieldIndex, PKFieldCount); execute statement 'delete from ibe$$test_data ' || WhereClause values :SubscriberPK; ibec_cr_Next(SubscriberCR); end; end ibec_cr_CloseCursor(MasterCR); ibec_cr_CloseCursor(SubscriberCR); commit;
Done. Close both connections:
close connection MasterDB; close connection SubscriberDB;
Let's count the elapsed time…
EndTime = ibec_gettickcount(); TotalTime = (EndTime - StartTime) / 1000; suspend; end
Full Example: Data Comparer Using Cursors