
execute ibeblock (
   CodeDir varchar(1000) = 'D:\IBEBlocks\' comment 'Path to necessary IBEBlocks',
   FileStrm variant)
   FldTypeFunc = bec_LoadFromFile(CodeDir || 'FldType.ibeblock');

   if (FileStrm is not null) then
      FS = FileStrm;
      FS = ibec_fs_OpenFile('D:\BlockScript.sql', __fmCreate);
for select f.rdb$field_name, -- 0
           f.rdb$validation_source, -- 1
           f.rdb$computed_source, -- 2
           f.rdb$default_source, -- 3
           f.rdb$field_length, -- 4
           f.rdb$field_scale, -- 5
           f.rdb$field_type, -- 6
           f.rdb$field_sub_type, -- 7
           f.rdb$description, -- 8
           f.rdb$segment_length, -- 9
           f.rdb$dimensions, -- 10
           f.rdb$null_flag, -- 11
           f.rdb$character_length, -- 12
           f.rdb$collation_id, -- 13
           f.rdb$character_set_id, -- 14
           f.rdb$field_precision, -- 15
           ch.rdb$character_set_name, -- 16
           co.rdb$collation_name -- 17
      from rdb$fields fleft join rdb$character_sets ch on (f.rdb$character_set_id =  ch.rdb$character_set_id)
      left join rdb$collations co on ((f.rdb$collation_id = co.rdb$collation_id) and 
           (f.rdb$character_set_id = co.rdb$character_set_id))
      where not (f.rdb$field_name starting with 'RDB$')
      order by rdb$field_name
      into :DomProps
     DomName = DomProps[0];
         execute ibeblock FldTypeFunc(DomProps[6], DomProps[7], DomProps[4], DomProps[5], DomProps[9],
                                      DomProps[12], DomProps[15], 3)
         returning_values :FieldType;
     DomType = FieldType;

     -- Character Set
     if ((DomProps[6] in (14, 37, 261)) and (DomProps[16] is not null)) then
        DomType = DomType || ' CHARACTER SET ' || ibec_trim(DomProps[16]) || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr (10);

     -- Default Value
     if ((DomProps[3] is not null) and (DomProps[3] <> '')) then
        DomType = DomType || ibec_trim(DomProps[3]) || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10);
     -- NOT NULL flag
     if (DomProps[11] is not null) then
        DomType = DomType || 'NOT NULL' || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10);

     -- Check source
     if ((DomProps[1] is not null) and (DomProps[1] <> '')) then
        DomType = DomType || ibec_trim(DomProps[1]) || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10);

     -- Collate
     if ((DomProps[17] is not null) and (DomProps[17] <> '')) then
        DomType = DomType || 'COLLATE ' || ibec_trim(DomProps[17]) || ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10);

     DomType = ibec_Chr(13) || ibec_Chr(10) || ibec_Trim(DomType) || ';';
     ibec_progress('Writing domain ' || DomName);
     ibec_fs_Writeln(FS, 'CREATE DOMAIN ' || ibec_Trim(DomProps[0]) || DomType);
     ibec_fs_Writeln(FS, '');

  if (FileStrm is null) then