Service configuration

The installation

The complete Firebird installation has a Firebird root directory with a number of subdirectories. The directory structure in Windows and Linux is identical.

Firebird root directory

Files (important files in bold):

aliases.conf Configuration file for database aliases.
firebird.conf Configuration file for the server.
firebird.log Error protocol.
firebird.msg Server messages.
<rechnername>.lck Lock file.
readme.txt Service readme file.
security.fbk Data backup of the security database.
security.fdb Security database: comprises user names and passwords.
IDPLicence.txt IDPLicence.txt
IPLicence.txt License regulations for Firebird (Firebird is open source, the license allows free circulation and use, even for commercial purposes).

Windows bin subdirectory

fbclient.dll Client access library.
fbguard.exe The Firebird Guardian service.
fbserver.exe The actual Firebird database service.
gbak.exe GBAK tool for backup and restore.
gdef.exe GDML tool (outdated, no longer used).
gfix.exe GFIX tool: settings, repair, administration.
gpre.exe GPRE-Tool: C preprocessor.
gsec.exe GSEC tool: user administration.
gsplit.exe |GSPLIT tool.
gstat.exe GSTAT tool: statistics.
ib_util.dll Utilities.
icu*.dll Different libraries for the support of international character sets.
instclient.exe Client library installation as gds32.dll in Windows System directory (usually not necessary).
instreg.exe Registration of an installation in the registry (only necessary when installing manually).
instsvc.exe Tool for installing/deinstalling the service and for the start and shutdown pf the service (only necessary when installing by hand).
isql.exe ISQL tool: Interactive execution of DDL and DML commands, execution of SQL scripts.
msvcp71.dll System DLL.
msvcr71.dll System DLL.
qli.exe Interactive GDML tool (out of date, no longer used).
nbackup.exe Tool for incremental backups.

Linux bin subdirectory Shell script for alterating the Superserver user. Shell script for restoring the Superserver user. Shell script for altering the SYSDBA password. Shell script for creating a new alias.
Invoke: ./ <aliasname> <datenbankname> Invoke: ./ <aliasname> <datenbankname>
fb_config Shell script containing sundry information.
Invoke: ./fb_config [options] Invoke: ./fb_config [options]
Options: Options:
–cflags –cflags
–libs –libs
–embedlibs –embedlibs
–bindir –bindir
–version –version
fb_lock_print Shell script for the output of locking information.
fbguard Firebird Guardian demon.
fbmgr Firebird Manager for starting and shutting down the Firebird demon.
fbmgr.bin? Firebird Manager.
fbserver Firebird server demon.
gbak GBAK tool: backup, restore.
gdef GDML tool (out of date, no longer used).
gfix GFIX tool: settings, repair, adminstration.
gpre GPRE tool: C preprocessor.
gsec GSEC tool: user administration.
gstat GSTAT tool: statistics.
isql ISQL tool: interactive execution of DDL and DML commands, execution of SQL scripts.
qli Interactive GDML tool (out of date, no longer used).
nbackup Tool for incremental backups.

Other subdirectories (both platforms)

doc Documentation, release notes, readmes, etc.
examples Sample programs and databases.
help Online help (currently practically empty).
include Include files for the development of C-based client applications and UDFs.
intl International support.
lib Library files for the development of C-based client applications and UDFs.
UDF User-defined functions.


The firebird.conf file, found in the Firebird root directory, can be edited in any Text Editor. Key parameters include:

DefaultDbCachePages = 2048 Number of cached database pages per database.
RemoteServiceName = gds_db - RemoteServicePort = 3050 Name of the service in the services file and/or TCP port number for the service. This only needs to be altered if a Borland InterBase™ service is already running or potential confusion with InterBase is to be avoided.
DatabaseAccess = Full Only accepts one of the following values: * None: only databases listed in aliases.conf may be used. * Full (Default): all databases may be used. * Restrict: only databases found in the specified paths may be used. These paths must be specified in a semicolon-separated list (on Windows e.g. C:\DataBase;D:\Mirror, on Unix e.g. /db;/mnt/mirrordb).

Recommendation: We strongly recommend this parameter be used to restrict backdoor access to the system. Uncontrolled access to all databases can seriously endanger your system security.

See also:


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Database System Administrator SYSDBA

The user, SYSDBA (System Database Administrator) has Database Administrator status. He has all permissions.

The standard password for SYSDBA is: masterkey

The SYSDBA password should be changed immediately following installation of a productive system.

Linux server

When installing on Linux systems a random password is generated. This can be found in the SYSDBA.password file in the Firebird root directory.

A new SYSDBA password can be assigned in the shell script bin/

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Network integration TCP/IP

Following a standard installation, the Firebird service listens to port 3050/tcp. This can be altered if wished in the firebird.conf. It is also usual procedure to add the following entry in the services file:

gds_db    3050/tcp

This specification also needs to be adjusted accordingly.

As the service name, gsd_db, is for InterBase databases, another service name needs to be defined if InterBase and Firebird installations are to run in parallel. This service name also needs to be specified correspondingly in the firebird.conf and the services file (our proposal: firebirdsql).

The service or demon needs to be restarted following any alterations to firebird.conf.

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The security.fdb database, stored in the Firebird root directory, is responsible for user administration.

SYSDBA always has all permissions and rights. The user who created the database is the database owner and also has all permissions and rights for that database.

Users can be administrated using the GSEC tool (refer to Administration tools)