Available in: DSQL, ESQL, PSQL


Changes values in a table (or in one or more tables underlying a view). The columns affected are specified in the SET clause; the rows affected may be limited by the WHERE and ROWS clauses.


UPDATE [TRANSACTION name] {tablename | viewname} [[AS] alias]
   SET col = newval [, col = newval ...]
   [WHERE {search-conditions | CURRENT OF cursorname}]
   [PLAN plan_items]
   [ORDER BY sort_items]
   [ROWS <m> [TO <n>]]

<m>, <n> ::= Any expression evaluating to an integer.


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COLLATE subclause for text BLOB columns

Added in: 2.0


COLLATE subclauses are now also supported for text BLOBs.


update MyTable
  set NameBlobSp = 'Juan'
  where NameBlobBr collate pt_br = 'João'

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Available in: DSQL, PSQL

Added in: 2.0


UPDATE now allows an ORDER BY clause. This only makes sense in combination with ROWS, but is also valid without it.


Available in: DSQL, PSQL

Added in: 2.0


UPDATE now allows a PLAN clause, so users can optimize the operation manually.

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Relation alias makes real name unavailable

Changed in: 2.0


If you give a table or view an alias in a Firebird 2.0 or above statement, you must use the alias, not the table name, if you want to qualify fields from that relation.


Correct usage:

update Fruit set sort = 'pisang' where ...

update Fruit set Fruit.sort = 'pisang' where ...

update Fruit F set sort = 'pisang' where ...

update Fruit F set F.sort = 'pisang' where ...

No longer possible:

update Fruit F set Fruit.sort = 'pisang' where ...

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Available in: DSQL, PSQL

Added in: 2.0


Limits the amount of rows updated to a specified number or range.


ROWS <m> [TO <n>]

<m>, <n> ::= Any expression evaluating to an integer.

With a single argument m, the update is limited to the first m rows of the dataset defined by the table or view and the optional WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.

Points to note:

With two arguments m and n, the update is limited to rows m to n inclusively. Row numbers are 1-based.

Points to note when using two arguments:

ROWS can also be used with the SELECT and DELETE statements.