A cut out and keep guide to the Firebird source code

By Ann Harrison and Paul Beach.

This document is a rough guide to the Firebird code tree. Parts of that code tree build the Firebird Server, parts build utilities, and parts provide additional elements of the Firebird kit, and a certain number of parts don't contribute anything, being specific to environments that no longer exist. In traditional ISC terminology, a component is equivalent to a directory and contains a number of related source and header files. Some components are independent programs, some are subsystems in a larger entity, and some are both. Within a component, the individual source files are called modules. Within a module, the individual functions are called routines and reference structures called blocks.

The major component of the server is JRD. Other components used exclusively in the server and client interfaces are DSQL, INTL, LOCK, UTILITIES, REMOTE, and WAL. Both LOCK and UTILITIES contain additional code that builds utilities to analyze the lock table and database contents, respectively. In addition, the components ALICE and BURP can be built either as part of the server, or standalone. The PYXIS and JOURNAL components are obsolete.

And the various tools are located in the following components:

Module names, TLAs, CFLAs, and other acronyms defined, by source directory structure, starting at the core of the engine (/JRD) and working outward.

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Jim's Relational Database with reference to original author.

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Code for handling the lock table



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GBAK BackUp and Restore Program.


Central SerVer Precursor to Superserver. (Can be confusing, since another well known meaning is Comma Separated Values.)

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(/DSQL) Dynamic Sequel Query Language.

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(/DUDLEY) GDEF - old fashioned data definition language processor.


Directories of examples & databases.


Modules for building the default UDF library.

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Pre-compiler, pre-processor. Converts ESQL to its destination language (e.g. 'C').

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Depending on context, either International (i.e. I18n) or Internal (as in Internal Work/Release).


Single client TCP/IP server.


Guardian process to restart server as necessary.

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Journalling, the version before the most recently abandonned effort.

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Stuff for managing the message database.


Ancient configuration for systems that didn't handle shared libraries.

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Archaic forms package.

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Query Language Interpreter that preceded the ISQL utility.

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The remote interface to access databases on a remote system. This includes all the platform/transport specific code. For each, there is a server side and a client side.

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Write Ahead Log, second failed attempt (after journaling).

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Other useful definitions

This paper was written by Ann Harrison and Paul Beach in October 2001, and is copyright Ann Harrison, Paul Beach and IBPhoenix Inc. You may republish it verbatim, including this notation. You may update, correct, or expand the material, provided that you include a notation that the original work was produced by Ann Harrison, Paul Beach and IBPhoenix Inc.