The following file-handling functions are available in IBEBlock:
Function | Description |
ibec_DeleteFile | Erases the file from the disk. |
ibec_DirectoryExists | Call ibec_DirectoryExists to determine whether the directory specified by the Name parameter exists. |
ibec_SetCurrentDir | |
ibec_RemoveDirectory | Removes a directory. |
ibec_FileExists | Tests if a specified file exists. |
ibec_FileSize | Returns the size of the specified file. |
ibec_GetFiles | Retrieves specified file or list of files. |
ibec_LoadFromFile | Loads file data into variable. |
ibec_SaveToFile | Saves value of variable into file. |
ibec_CopyFile | Copies an existing file to a new one. |
ibec_MoveFile | Renames an existing file or a directory (including all its children). |
ibec_FileDateTime | Returns the TIMESTAMP of a specified file. |
ibec_SetFileDateTime | |
ibec_GetCurrentDir | Returns the fully qualified name of the current directory. |
ibec_GetRunDir | Returns the path of the currently executing program (IBExpert.exe of IBEScript.exe. |
ibec_ExtractFileDir | Extracts the drive and directory parts from FileName. |
ibec_ExtractFileName | Extracts the name and extension parts of a file name. |
ibec_FileAttr | |
ibec_SetFileAttr | |
ibec_RenameFile | |
ibec_ForceDirectories | Creates all the directories along a directory path if they do not already exist. |
The following functions are intended for working with files in stream mode:
Function | Description |
ibec_fs_CloseFile | Closes the file opened with the ibec_fs_OpenFile function. |
ibec_fs_Eof | Closes the file opened with the ibec_fs_OpenFile function. |
ibec_fs_OpenFile | Opens a file for reading or writing. |
ibec_fs_Position | Returns the current offset into the stream for reading and writing. |
ibec_fs_Readln | Reads a line of text from a file. |
ibec_fs_ReadString | Reads count bytes from the file stream. |
ibec_fs_Seek | Resets the current position of the file stream. |
ibec_fs_Size | Returns the length, in bytes, of the file stream. |
ibec_fs_SetSize | |
ibec_fs_Writeln | |
ibec_fs_WriteString | Writes a srtring onto the file stream stream. |
ibec_fs_ReadByte | Reads one byte from the file stream and returns an unsigned integer value (0..255). |
ibec_fs_WriteByte | Writes one byte to the file stream as a 8-bit unsigned integer. |
ibec_fs_ReadWord | Reads two bytes from the file stream and returns an unsigned integer value (0..65535). |
ibec_fs_WriteWord | Writes two bytes to the file stream as a 16-bit unsigned integer. |
ibec_fs_ReadDoubleWord | Reads four bytes from the file stream and returns an unsigned integer value (0..4294967295). |
ibec_fs_WriteDoubleWord | Writes four bytes to the file stream as a 32-bit unsigned integer. |
ibec_fs_ReadInt32 | Reads four bytes from the file stream and returns a signed integer value (–2147483648..2147483647). |
ibec_fs_WriteInt32 | Writes four bytes to the file stream as a 32-bit signed integer. |
The following functions were introduced to handle work with INI files:
Function | Description |
ibec_ini_Open | Erases all data from the INI file in the memory. |
ibec_ini_Close | Frees the memory associated with the INI file object. |
ibec_ini_ReadString | Erases an entire section of an INI file. |
ibec_ini_WriteString | Saves the contents of the INI file to a variable. |
ibec_ini_Clear | Instantiates an INI file object. |
ibec_ini_EraseSection | Retrieves a string value from an INI file. |
ibec_ini_UpdateFile | Sets the contents of the INI file from a variable. |
ibec_ini_SetStrings | Flushes buffered INI file data to disk. |
ibec_ini_GetStrings | Writes a string value to an INI file. |
Please note that all ibec_ini_xxx functions, except ibec_ini_ReadString and ibec_ini_Open, return NULL.