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fbmgr is used to start and stop your Firebird Superserver. This is different from starting and stopping a database - as explained in the gfix manual - as the running databases rely on the Firebird service/daemon. This daemon is the Firebird engine - without it, nothing will run under Superserver.

Note: If you are using Firebird Classic, this chapter does not apply and it is entirely possible that the executables mentioned in this chapter may not even exist in your installation directory.

Note: If you are using Firebird 2.5 onwards, you will see a message whenever you use fbmgr, telling you that fbmgr has been deprecated. From Firebird 3.0 onwards, this utility will no longer be present in the Firebird releases. You are advised to use the fbguard utility instead. See the chapter on fbguard for details.

On Windows systems, the engine runs as a service and is slightly different. Windows will be discussed separately in this manual for that reason.

In the remainder of this manual, we will discuss the following:

  • Differences between Windows and Linux systems.
  • Command-line options for fbmgr.
  • fbmgr commands and their parameters.
  • Running fbmgr in interactive or batch modes.
  • Some caveats, gotchas and foibles of fbmgr.