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Before Installing Firebird

Before starting any Firebird installations, it is advisable to uninstall any previous Firebird versions. To uninstall any Firebird servers, go to Programs and features in Windows Control Panel, Select Firebird Featured Project file, right click and click on 'Uninstall'. To uninstall Firebase on a Linux system, first go to the start menu, open the Terminal and run the command '$ sudo apt-get remove firebird-server'

Before taking down and uninstalling the Firebase database on your system, make sure that you back up all your databases for you to restore them later under Firebird 3.

You can also back up your old security database 'security2.fdb'. Inside the firebase SQL script security_database.sql which is located in (misc/upgrade/security), you can update the old security database to Firebird 3, preserving all the information except SYSDBA's and except any passwords.

Make sure that you have a running Windows or Linux operating system which runs, a good network connection, and administrator privileges on your system.

Installing Firebird Version 3/4 for Windows or Linux

To access all the Firebird installation kits you can access them from the Firebird Downloads page.

Installing Firebird For Windows Version 3.0

If this is the first time you are installing Firebird, it is strongly recommended that you use the Executable release kit for Windows. To start the installation first go to the Firebird Download website and install the following kit: '01-firebird:01-02-installation-kits:01-02-01-windows-executable-installer'. After installing the Executable Kit you can start the Firebird Version 3.0.10 Windows Executable Installation (Recommended for first-time users).

If you want to have a manual or custom Firebird installation, you can access the Firebird Downloads page and download the kit ' Windows zip kit for manual installation'. After installing the Manual Kit you can start the Firebird Version 3.0.10 Windows Manual Installation.

Installing Firebird For Windows Version 4.0

Firebird 4.0 introduces new data types and many improvements without radical changes in architecture or operation, the most important are: logical replication, longer metadata identifiers, international time zone support, and timeouts for connections and statements. You can access the Firebird 4.0.2 Release Notes to see a detailed report on the changes and improvements which are implemented.

If this is the first time you are installing and using Firebird, it is strongly recommended that you use the Executable release kit for Windows. To start the installation first go to the Firebird Download website and install the following kit: '01-firebird:01-02-installation-kits:01-02-01-windows-executable-installer'. After installing the Executable Kit you can start the Firebird Version 4.0.2 Windows Executable Installation (Recommended for first-time users).

If you want to have a manual or custom Firebird installation, you can access the Firebird Downloads page and download the ki ' Windows zip kit for manual installation'. After installing the Manual Kit you can start the Firebird Version 4.0.2 Windows Manual Installation.

Installing Firebird For Linux Version 3.0

Installing the Firebird database on your Linux machine can simply be done from the Terminal. You can follow the installing Firebird on Linux manually step-by-step guide Installing Firebird on Linux Terminal - Version 3.0.10

Installing Firebird For Linux Version 4.0

Explaining Necessary and Unnecessary Firebird Files

Deleting non-essential Files inside the Firebird directory folder will reduce the storage space needed and it will also help improve performance when running a database. Besides that, it's important knowledge to understand why it's important to understand various file types so you can choose the appropriate one for your tasks.

To see what files are essential or non-essential for Firebird to run, you can read the following article: Defining Essential and Non-Essential Firebird Files

How to Uninstall Firebird

You might want to uninstall firebird because the Servers or the application are not functioning well. You can access our guides on how to install 01-firebird:01-02-installation-kits: to try to reinstall Firebird again.

To uninstall Firebird, you can either Uninstalling Firebird from the Command Prompt or Uninstalling Firebird from the Control Panel