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InterBase® and Java®: making the connection

By Joe Shevland

This section describes how to connect to an InterBase® database using the Java® platform and JDBC (Java® DataBase Connectivity). InterBase® 6 and Interclient 1.6 are used in these examples, however the same information may apply to older or more recent versions. The Java® 2 platform has been used throughout this section however the code should also be compatible with JRE 1.1 environments.

The JDBC driver

JDBC provides a uniform methodology for accessing relational databases, and makes use of vendor provided drivers to hide the variances in the different database products. InterBase® JDBC access also uses the standard JDBC extension package (Javax.sql.*) which is provided as a standalone JAR package.

The InterBase® JDBC driver is bundled in a JAR file called interclient.jar which is available as part of the Interclient download.

The JDBC standard extension package is available from Sun's Java® website and is bundled in a JAR file called jdbc2_0-stdext.jar.

In order to successfully connect to an InterBase® database, both of these JAR files will need to be in the CLASSPATH of your application or applet e.g.

set CLASSPATH=.:interclient.jar:jdbc2_0-stdext.jar:<...>
SET CLASSPATH=.;interclient.jar;jdbc2_0-stdext.jar;<...> (Windows version)

InterServer will also need to be installed and running on the server to which you are connecting.

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Connecting to a database

Once the required JAR files are located in your CLASSPATH and the necessary software is running on the server, it is a simple matter to connect to a local or remote InterBase® server. See the example code below for the relevant details.

Example 1.0: Creating a connection

import Java®.sql.*;
import InterBase®.interclient.DataSource;


DataSource dataSource = new InterBase®.interclient.DataSource();

try {

// Set the standard properties
/* set the network protocol */
/* the hostname or IP address of the server */
/* the full path to your database file */
/* a descriptive name */
/* a descriptive comment */
/* the TCP port Interclient listens on by default */ 
/* set the InterBase® role to use */
/* set the login timeout to 10 seconds */

// Set the non-standard properties
/* Perform a sweep when connecting */

// The following line actually starts up the database connection:
Connection con = dataSource.getConnection(con_user,con_pw);

} catch ( SQLException se ) {

// Report the problem to the standard error stream:
System.err.println("Exception creating the database connection: "+se);


Instead of using the new DataSource approach, you can also use the older method of registering a JDBC driver with the DriverManager and calling getConnection(). A brief example follows. Note that this approach does not allow you to specify an InterBase® role (I may have spotted somewhere in the docs that you can do this by specifying a system property or some such: anyone?).

import Java®.sql.*;


try {

// Resolve the JDBC driver class:

// The following line actually starts up the database connection:
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection

} catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) {

// Report the problem to the standard error stream:
System.err.println("Couldn't locate the driver class: "+cnfe);

} catch ( SQLException se ) {

// Report the problem to the standard error stream:
System.err.println("Exception creating the database connection: "+se);


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Testing the connection: A simple SELECT

Now that you have a successful connection to the database, the following code snippet shows you how to perform a simple SELECT statement and retrieve the results. You can replace the table and column details with ones you have set up.

Example 1.1: Executing a SELECT query

// Assume we still have the Connection instance 'con' from the previous example

try {

String username = null;
int userid = 0;

String sql = "SELECT userid, username FROM users WHERE userid = 10000";

Statement sment = con.createStatement();

ResultSet rs = sment.executeQuery(sql);

if ( ) {

// Calls to position the result set to the next available row.
// You'd use 'while ( )' in the case that multiple rows may be returned.
userid = rs.getInt("userid"); /* the column index can also be used */
username = rs.getString("username");

} else {

// The row does not exist in the database


rs.close(); /* Perhaps unnecessary as the next line will close the ResultSet too */
sment.close(); /* But some drivers have resource problems, so its to be safe */

} catch ( SQLException se ) {

// Report the problem to the standard error stream:
System.err.println("Exception performing query: "+se);

} finally {

// If we've finished with the connection, close it in the
// finally clause so it will get closed no matter what.
// May need to wrap this call in another try..catch block.

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Closing the connection

To close an active database connection, it is a simple matter of calling the close() method of the Connection class e.g.

// Assuming 'con' is an active Connection instance:

try {


} catch ( SQLException se ) {



This paper was written by Joe Shevland and is copyright Joe Shevland and IBPhoenix Inc.