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Working with POP3 servers
The following is an example of using the Functions for working with POP3 servers:
execute ibeblock as begin CRLF = ibec_CRLF(); ses = ibec_pop3_OpenSession('; User=iam; Pass=12345'); try --Alternative way to set pop3 session properties: --sHost = ibec_pop3_SetProperty(ses, 'Host', ''); --sUser = ibec_pop3_SetProperty(ses, 'UserName', 'iam'); --sPass = ibec_pop3_SetProperty(ses, 'Password', '12345'); --sPort = ibec_pop3_SetProperty(ses, 'Port', 'pop3'); ibec_Progress('Connecting to mypop3...'); if (ibec_pop3_ConnectAndAuth(ses)) then begin ibec_Progress('Retrieving Uidl...'); Res = ibec_pop3_Uidl(ses); sResp = ibec_pop3_GetProperty(ses, 'Uidl'); UidlItems = ibec_Explode(CRLF, sResp); foreach (UidlItems as UID key Idx skip nulls) do begin if (UID = '') then Continue; UidData = ibec_Explode(' ', UID); iMsgNum = ibec_Cast(UidData[0], __typeInteger); ibec_Progress('Getting message ' + UidData[1] + '...'); Res = ibec_pop3_Retr(ses, iMsgNum); if (Res) then begin ibec_ForceDirectories('D:\Mails'); MsgData = ibec_pop3_GetProperty(ses, 'MsgData'); ibec_SaveToFile('D:\Mails\' + UidData[1], MsgData, 0); end; end; end; ibec_Progress('Quit...'); ibec_pop3_Quit(ses); finally ibec_pop3_CloseSession(ses); end; end;