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Default Block adapted to include domains
Here is an example of simple block which composes list of “name + domain” for a dragged table when using the Text to insert form between IBExpert's DB Explorer and the SQL Editor or Script Executive:
execute ibeblock ( StatementID variant, SelectedNames variant, SelectedNamesFmt variant, SelectedTypes variant, ParentName variant = '', ParentNameFmt variant = '', ParentType variant, -------------------------------- ObjectAlias variant = '', VarPrefix variant = '', InsertCRLF boolean = FALSE) RETURNS ( StatementCaptions variant, StatementText variant = '', DoNotFormat boolean = FALSE comment 'If TRUE, no additional formatting will be performed') as begin -- Uncomment following line to avoid additional formatting of statement text DoNotFormat = TRUE; CRLF = ibec_CRLF(); SQLDialect = 3; Conn = ibec_GetDefaultConnection(); if (Conn is not null) then SQLDialect = ibec_GetConnectionProp(Conn, 'DBSQLDialect'); if (StatementID is null) then begin if (SelectedTypes[0] = __dboTable) then StatementCaptions[301] = 'Name + Domain'; suspend; exit; end s = ''; if (StatementID = 301) then begin TableName = SelectedNames[0]; for SELECT rf.rdb$field_name, rf.rdb$field_source, f.rdb$field_type, f.rdb$field_sub_type, f.rdb$field_length, f.rdb$field_precision, f.rdb$segment_length, f.rdb$character_length, f.rdb$field_precision from rdb$relation_fields rf, rdb$fields f where (rf.rdb$relation_name = :TableName) and (f.rdb$field_name = rf.rdb$field_source) order by rf.rdb$field_position into :fname, :dname, :fType, :fSubType, :fLength, :fScale, :fSegLength, :fCharLength, :fPrecision do begin FieldType = ibec_IBTypeToStr(fType, fSubType, fLength, fScale, fSegLength, fCharLength, fPrecision, SQLDialect); if (InsertCRLF and (s <> '')) then s .= CRLF; else s .= ' '; s .= VarPrefix + ibec_FormatIdent(ibec_Trim(fname)); if (ibec_Copy(dname, 1, 4) <> 'RDB$') then s .= ' ' + ibec_FormatIdent(ibec_Trim(dname)); else s .= ' ' + FieldType; end s = ibec_Trim(s); end StatementText = s; suspend; end