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Running GSEC Remotely
gsec can be used to administer the security database on a remote server. To do this you must supply the remote security database name on the command line as shown in the following example which connects my Windows XP client version of gsec to my Linux server named Ganymede and allows me to manage the users on my Linux server.
C:\>gsec -database ganymede:/opt/firebird/security2.fdb -user sysdba -password masterkey GSEC>
Note: In the above example, I have split the full command line over two lines. This is to prevent it 'falling off' the right side of the page when this manual is rendered as a PDF document. The whole command should, indeed must, be typed on a single line.
Also note that if there are spaces in the database name, you must enclose the whole parameter in double quotes.
Once connected to the remote security database, you can manipulate users in the normal manner in either interactive or batch modes as described above.
The version of gsec provided in Firebird 2.0 can be used to maintain the security database on previous versions of Firebird and it is hoped, InterBase® from version 6.0 upwards. However, from version 2.0 of Firebird, the format of the security database changed and because of this, gsec from an older version cannot be used to maintain the security database for Firebird 2.0 onwards.