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Command-line Options
Regardless of the mode that gsec is run in, there are a number of options that can be supplied on the command line. These are:
- -user <username>
Allows the username of the SYSDBA user to be specified if the database is to be modified, or a normal username if the database is to be displayed only. This need not be supplied if ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD environment variables exist and have the correct values.
- -password <password>
Supplies the password for the username specified above. This need not be supplied if ISC_USER and ISC_PASSWORD environment variables exist and have the correct values.
- -fe[tch_password] <password file name> | stdin | /dev/tty
This switch causes the password for the appropriate user to be read from a file as opposed to being specified on the command line. The file name supplied is not in quotes and must be readable by the user running gsec. If the file name is specified as stdin, then the user will be prompted for a password. On POSIX systems, the file name /dev/tty will also result in a prompt for the password.
Note: Firebird 2.5 onwards.
- -role <SQL role name>
Allows the specification of the role to be used by the connecting user.
- -database <server:security database name>
You can specify the full path name of a security database to gsec and this will allow you to remotely administer the users for that server. The whole parameter should be enclosed in quotes if there are any spaces in the path to the security database.
- -z
Displays the version number of the gsec utility.
- -help
Help displays the following screen of information:
gsec utility - maintains user password database command line usage: gsec [ <options> ... ] <command> [ <parameter> ... ] interactive usage: gsec [ <options> ... ] GSEC> <command> [ <parameter> ... ] available options: -user <database administrator name> -password <database administrator password> -fetch_password <file to fetch password from> -role <database administrator SQL role name> -trusted (use trusted authentication) -database <database to manage> -z available commands: adding a new user: add <name> [ <parameter> ... ] deleting a current user: delete <name> displaying all users: display displaying one user: display <name> modifying a user's parameters: modify <name> <parameter> [ <parameter> ... ] changing admins mapping to RDB$ADMIN role in security database: mapping {set|drop} help: ? (interactive only) help displaying version number: z (interactive only) quit interactive session: quit (interactive only) available parameters: -pw <password> -uid <uid> -gid <uid> -fname <firstname> -mname <middlename> -lname <lastname> -admin {yes|no}