meta data for this page


Available in: DSQL, ESQL

Syntax (partial)

   [PAGE_SIZE [=] size]
   [DEFAULT CHARACTER SET charset [COLLATION collation]]
   [DIFFERENCE FILE 'filepath']

size  ::=  4096 | 8192 | 16384
  • If the user supplies a size smaller than 4096, it will be silently converted to 4096. Other numbers not equal to any of the supported sizes will be silently converted to the next lower supported size.

16 Kb page size supported

Changed in: 1.0, 2.1


The maximum database page size has been raised from 8192 to 16384 bytes. In Firebird 2.1 and up, page sizes 1024 and 2048 are deprecated as inefficient. Firebird will no longer create databases with these page sizes, but it will connect to existing small-page databases without any problem.

Default collation for the database

Added in: 2.5


In Firebird 2.5 and up, you can specify a collation with the default character set, as shown in the Syntax block above. If present, this collation will become the default collation for the default character set (and hence for the entire database, except where another character set is used).


create database "colltest.fdb" default character set iso8859_1 collation du_nl

Please notice: The keyword to use here is COLLATION, not the usual COLLATE.


Added in: 2.0


The DIFFERENCE FILE parameter was added in Firebird 2.0, but not documented at the time. For a full description, see ALTER DATABASE / ADD DIFFERENCE FILE.