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This function is intended for the quick copying of data from one connection (ODBC or Firebird/InterBase®) to another (Firebird/InterBase® only)
The ibec_CopyData function returns the number of records copied from SrcConnection to DestConnection.
function ibec_CopyData(SrcConnection : variant; DestConnection : variant; DestTableName : string; SelectStatement : string; Options : string; CallbackBlock : variant) : integer;
Possible options are:
- CommitAfter=<number_of_records> - after the specified number of records a COMMIT will be performed. Default value is 500.
- CreateTable - if the table doesn't exist in the target database it will be created using the structure of the source query. If the target table doesn't exist and the CreateTable option is not specified an exception will be raised.
- EmptyTable - the target table will be emptied before copying data.
- DontQuoteIdents - all identifiers in CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements will be converted to uppercase even if they are case-sensitive in the source database.
Example of an Options string:
'CommitAfter=1000; CreateTable'
execute ibeblock as begin cbb = 'execute ibeblock (RecNo integer) as begin if (ibec_mod(RecNo, 100) = 0) then ibec_Progress(RecNo || 'records copied...'); end'; OdbcCon = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctODBC, 'DBQ=C:\IBE Demo\demo.mdb; DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)'); DB = ibec_CreateConnection(__ctInterBase, 'DBName="localhost:D:\FB2_DATA\IBEHELP.FBA"; ClientLib=C:\Program Files\Firebird\bin\fbclient.dll; user=SYSDBA; password=masterkey; names=WIN1251; sqldialect=3'); try use DB; if (exists(select * from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = 'IBEC_COPYDATA')) then begin execute statement 'drop table IBEC_COPYDATA'; commit; end; Country = 'US'; RecCount = ibec_CopyData(OdbcCon, DB, 'IBEC_COPYDATA', 'SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE COUNTRY < :Country', 'CommitAfter=100; EmptyTable; CreateTable; DontQuoteIdents', cbb); if (RecCount is not null) then ibec_ShowMessage(RecCount || 'records copied successfully.'); finally ibec_CloseConnection(DB); ibec_CloseConnection(OdbcCon); end; end