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Dataset Functions

The following dataset-handling functions are available in IBEBlock:

Function Description
ibec_CopyData Returns number of records copied from SrcConnection to DestConnection.
ibec_Array Returns a one-dimensional 0-based array of values.
ibec_ds_Append Adds a new, empty record to the end of the dataset.
ibec_ds_Cancel Cancels modifications to the active record if those changes are not yet posted.
ibec_ds_Delete Deletes the active record and positions the cursor on the next record.
ibec_ds_Edit Enables editing of data in the dataset.
ibec_ds_Eof Indicates whether or not a cursor is positioned at the last record in a dataset.
ibec_ds_Bof Indicates whether or not a cursor is positioned at the first record in a dataset.
ibec_ds_FieldCount Returns the number of fields associated with the dataset.
ibec_ds_FieldName Returns the name of specified field.
ibec_ds_FieldTypeN Returns the native type of specified field.
ibec_ds_First Positions the cursor on the first record in the dataset.
ibec_ds_GetField Returns value of specified field.
ibec_ds_Last Positions the cursor on the last record in the dataset.
ibec_ds_Locate Locates single or multiple specified search values in a dataset.
ibec_ds_Next Positions the cursor on the next record in the dataset.
ibec_ds_Prior Positions the cursor on the previous record in the dataset.
ibec_ds_Sort Sorts datasets according to the SortFields specification.