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Functions for working with FTP servers

The following functions are implemented to work with FTP servers.

ibec_ftp_OpenSession Creates an FTP session object with specified options.
ibec_ftp_CloseSession Destroys an FTP session object created with the ibec_ftp_OpenSession function.
ibec_ftp_Connect Establishes connection to the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_Disconnect Performs a disconnection from the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_ChangeDir Changes the working directory on the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_MakeDir Creates a directory on the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_RemoveDir Deletes a directory on the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_Rename Renames files/directories on the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_DeleteFile Deletes a file on the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_FileSize Returns the size of a file in Bytes.
ibec_ftp_FileDate Returns the modification timestamp of a file.
ibec_ftp_GetFile Copies a file from the FTP server to the local computer.
ibec_ftp_PutFile Copies a local file to the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_LastResponse Returns the last response of the FTP server.
ibec_ftp_GetProperty Gets the value of the specified property.
ibec_ftp_SetProperty Sets the value of the specified property.