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Available in: DSQL, PSQL

Added in: 2.0

Changed in: 2.1


Gives the length in bytes (octets) of the input string. For multi-byte character sets, this may be less than the number of characters times the “formal” number of bytes per character as found in RDB$CHARACTER_SETS.

Note: With arguments of type CHAR, this function takes the entire formal string length (e.g. the declared length of a field or variable) into account. If you want to obtain the “logical” byte length, not counting the trailing spaces, right-TRIM the argument before passing it to OCTET_LENGTH.

Result type: INTEGER



BLOB support: Since Firebird 2.1, this function fully supports text BLOBs of any length and character set.


select octet_length('Hello!') from rdb$database
  -- returns 6

select octet_length(_iso8859_1 'Grüß di!') from rdb$database
  -- returns 8: ü and ß take up one byte each in ISO8859_1

select octet_length
  (cast (_iso8859_1 'Grüß di!' as varchar(24) character set utf8))
from rdb$database
  -- returns 10: ü and ß take up two bytes each in UTF8

select octet_length
  (cast (_iso8859_1 'Grüß di!' as char(24) character set utf8))
from rdb$database
  -- returns 26: all 24 CHAR positions count, and two of them are 2-byte