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Available in: DSQL, PSQL

Added in: 2.0


Removes leading and/or trailing spaces (or optionally other strings) from the input string. The result is a VARCHAR(n) with n the formal length of the input string.

Result type: VARCHAR(n)


TRIM ([<adjust>] str)

<adjust>  ::= {[where] [what]} FROM

where     ::= BOTH | LEADING | TRAILING /* default is BOTH */

what      ::= The substring to be removed (repeatedly if necessary)
              from str's head and/or tail. Default is ' ' (space).


select trim (' Waste no space ') from rdb$database
  -- returns 'Waste no space'

select trim (leading from ' Waste no space ') from rdb$database
  -- returns 'Waste no space '

select trim (leading '.' from ' Waste no space ') from rdb$database
  -- returns ' Waste no space '

select trim (trailing '!' from 'Help!!!!') from rdb$database
  -- returns 'Help'

select trim ('la' from 'lalala I love you Ella') from rdb$database
  -- returns ' I love you El'

select trim ('la' from 'Lalala I love you Ella') from rdb$database
  -- returns 'Lalala I love you El'