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Note: RDB$GET_CONTEXT and its counterpart RDB$SET_CONTEXT are actually predeclared UDFs. They are listed here as internal functions because they are always present – the user doesn't have to do anything to make them available.
Available in: DSQL, PSQL, ESQL
Added in: 2.0
Creates, sets or unsets a variable in one of the user-writable namespaces USER_SESSION and USER_TRANSACTION.
Result type: INTEGER
RDB$SET_CONTEXT ('<namespace>', '<varname>', <value> | NULL) <namespace> ::= USER_SESSION | USER_TRANSACTION <varname> ::= A case-sensitive string of max. 80 characters <value> ::= A value of any type, as long as it's castable to a VARCHAR(255)
The namespaces
The USER_SESSION and USER_TRANSACTION namespaces are initially empty. The user can create and set variables in them with RDB$SET_CONTEXT() and retrieve them with RDB$GET_CONTEXT(). The USER_SESSION context is bound to the current connection. Variables in USER_TRANSACTION only exist in the transaction in which they have been set. When the transaction ends, the context and all the variables defined in it are destroyed.
Return values and error behaviour
The function returns 1 if the variable already existed before the call and 0 if it didn't. To remove a variable from a context, set it to NULL. If the given namespace doesn't exist, an error is raised. Both namespace and variable names must be entered as single-quoted, case-sensitive, non-NULL strings.
select rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'MyVar', 493) from rdb$database rdb$set_context('USER_SESSION', 'RecordsFound', RecCounter); select rdb$set_context('USER_TRANSACTION', 'Savepoints', 'Yes') from rdb$database
- The maximum number of variables in any single context is 1000.
- All USER_TRANSACTION variables will survive a ROLLBACK RETAIN or ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT unaltered, no matter when in the transaction they were set.
- Due to its UDF-like nature, RDB$SET_CONTEXT can – in PSQL only – be called like a void function, without assigning the result, as in the second example above. Regular internal functions don't allow this type of use.