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Available in: PSQL
Added in: 1.5
Changed in: 2.0
The ROW_COUNT context variable contains the number of rows affected by the most recent DML statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT or FETCH) in the current trigger, stored procedure or executable block.
update Figures set Number = 0 where id = :id; if (row_count = 0) then insert into Figures (id, Number) values (:id, 0);
Behaviour with SELECT and FETCH
- After a singleton SELECT, ROW_COUNT is 1 if a data row was retrieved and 0 otherwise.
- In a FOR SELECT loop, ROW_COUNT is incremented with every iteration (starting at 0 before the first).
- After a FETCH from a cursor, ROW_COUNT is 1 if a data row was retrieved and 0 otherwise. Fetching more records from the same cursor does not increment ROW_COUNT beyond 1.
- In Firebird 1.5.x, ROW_COUNT is 0 after any type of SELECT statement.
Note: ROW_COUNT cannot be used to determine the number of rows affected by an EXECUTE STATEMENT or EXECUTE PROCEDURE command.