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The ibec_InputQuery function displays an input dialog that enables the user to enter a string.
Call ibec_InputQuery to bring up an input dialog box ready for the user to enter a string in its edit box. The ACaption parameter is the caption of the dialog box, the APrompt parameter is the text that prompts the user to enter input in the edit box, and the Value parameter is the string that appears in the edit box when the dialog box first appears.
If the user enters a string in the edit box and selects OK, the Value parameter changes to the new value. InputQuery returns True if the user selects OK, and False if the user selects Cancel or presses the [Esc] key.
function ibec_InputQuery(const ACaption, APrompt: string; var Value: string): Boolean;
execute ibeblock as begin ibec_InputQuery('Login','Please enter your username',usr); ibec_ShowMessage('You entered: ' || usr); end
The password feature was added in April 2014, and enables you to enter a password (for example to be used in an after start script) which cannot be seen.
Example with password
execute ibeblock as begin pwd=''; if (ibec_InputQuery('Start','Please enter password',pwd)) then if (pwd='123') then ibec_enablefeature(0); else begin ibec_disablefeature(0); ibec_EnableFeature(1003); --enable Tools menu ibec_EnableFeature(1037); --enable menuitem tools-data analysis end end