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Miscellaneous functions

The following miscellaneous functions are available in IBEBlock:

Function Description
ibec_BuildCube Builds an OLAP cube using a specified SELECT statement.
ibec_CastEx In comparison with the ibec_Cast function, ibec_CastEx doesn't raise an exception if casting is impossible, instead it returns a specified DefaultValue.
ibec_Chr Returns the character for a specified ASCII value.
ibec_CmpRecords Compares two arrays of variants (records).
ibec_CmpRecords2 Compares two arrays of variants (records).
ibec_CmpVals Compares two values.
ibec_CompressFile Allows you to create archives of files and extract them using the ibec_DecompressFile function.
ibec_CompressVar Compresses VALUE using the LZ77 algorithm.
ibec_CreateReport Prepares a report from a specified source (FastReport) and returns prepared report data.
ibec_DecompressFile Allows you to extract files from archives from files compressed using the ibec_CompressFile function.
ibec_DecompressVar Decompresses VALUE preciously compressed with ibec_CompressVar.
ibec_Exec Runs the specified application.
ibec_ExecScript Running a script to create interactive dialogs.
ibec_ExecSQLScript Executes an SQL script from a variable or a file.
ibec_ExportReport Exports a prepared report, created with the ibec_CreateReport function, into a specified format.
ibec_FormatFloat Formats a floating point value.
ibec_FormatIdent Creates a string representation of a GUID.
ibec_FreeGlobalVar Removes a specified variable from a list of global variables, and frees memory associated with the variable.
ibec_GetGlobalVar Returns the value of a specified global variable.
ibec_GetLastError Returns the value of the last failed Windows API call.
ibec_GetStatementPlan Returns the standard InterBase/Firebird plan of the specified statement.
ibec_GetStatementExplainPlan Returns the extended plan which is available when working with the Firebird 3 server.
ibec_GetTickCount Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since Windows was started.
ibec_GetViewRecreateScript Creates a Recreate script for a specified view(s) and returns it as a result.
ibec_GUID Creates a string representation of a GUID, a unique 128-bit integer used for CLSIDs and interface identifiers.
ibec_High Returns the highest value within the range of the index type of the array.
ibec_IIF Tests a condition and returns Value1 if the condition is True and Value2 if the condition is False.
ibec_ImportData Returns the number of imported (inserted) records.
ibec_IntToHex Returns the hex representation of an integer.
ibec_Ord Returns the ordinal value of the specified character.
ibec_PrepareStatement Prepares a DML statement and returns preparation report or raises an error.
ibec_Progress Displays a progress message.
ibec_SetEnvironmentVariable A wrapper for the Windows API SetEnvironmentVariable function which sets the value of an environment variable for the current process.
ibec_SetGlobalVar Allows you to create/modify a global variable.
ibec_SetKillTimer Terminates an application after the specified interval in minutes.
ibec_SetLength Sets the length of a dynamic-array variable.
ibec_smtp_SendMail Sends an email using the SMTP protocol.
ibec_WaitForEvent Monitors events sent by the POST_EVENT command.