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ibec_GetStatementPlan returns the standard InterBase/Firebird plan of the specified statement. ibec_GetStatementExplainPlan returns the extended plan which is available when working with the Firebird 3 server.
function ibec_GetStatementPlan(Database : variant; Statement : string; RaiseError : boolean) : variant;
The RaiseError parameter specifies how to handle possible errors when requesting a plan. If RaiseError is equal to TRUE and an error occurs, an error will be raised and both functions will return an error message as a result. Otherwise in case of error functions it just returns an empty string.
execute ibeblock as begin db = ibec_GetDefaultConnection(); sQuery = 'select * from rdb$fields where rdb$field_name = :field_name'; sPlan = ibec_GetStatementPlan(db, sQuery, FALSE); sQuery = 'select * from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name = ?'; sPlan = ibec_GetStatementPlan(db, sQuery, FALSE); end