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URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Uniform Resource Locator is a compact string of characters used to represent a resource available on the Internet. In popular usage and many technical documents, it is a synonym for Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Every URL begins with the scheme name that defines its namespace, purpose, and the syntax of the remaining part of the URL. Most Web-enabled programs will try to dereference a URL according to the semantics of its scheme and a context-vbn. For example, a Web browser will usually dereference a by performing an HTTP request to the host, at the default HTTP port (see Port 80). Dereferencing the URL will usually start an email composer with the address in the To field. is a domain name; an IP address or other network address might be used instead. In addition, URLs that specify https as a scheme (such as normally denote a secure web site.

The hostname portion of a URL, if present, is case insensitive (since the DNS is specified to ignore case); other parts are not required to be, but may be treated as case insensitive by some clients and servers, especially those that are based on Microsoft Windows. For example: and HTTPS://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/ will both open same page. is correct, but will result in an HTTP 404 error page.
